swap time




Let's see, where to begin?? First off, this super colorful plaid shirt founds its way to me via Nashville. I did a swap with Alyson, of Alyson is Neat a few weeks ago and have been loving everything she included. Swaps have been helping me cope with my no-buying ban I implemented this year and I've been going strong for 6 months now {with the exception of swimwear essentials} . More on the ban will be coming up later.

These pictures were taken on Saturday. It was spent running errands for the apartment and of course hitting up the farmer's market. I think we've kind of slowed down with getting it all set-up but we really want to finish it up so it's ready for when my mom comes to visit in Just about 3 weeks. Then we headed out to the city to meet up with Nickie, Kelly, and Alex. it was so much fun meeting these girls and taking them out around town. I hope they had fun too.

shirt}Cheap Monday, via Alyson
skirt}AA, thrifted